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Sacramento, CA

Low End Theory Collaborative (LETC) is a non-profit organization that works independently and in conjunction with other organizations to provide customized academic programming, professional career development, community based event planning services, and more with a framework and approach centered around hip hop culture.



LETC X South Bring You "The Classics": A Monthly Fundraiser for Education - September 24th Vol. 2 "The Breaks"


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LETC X South Bring You "The Classics": A Monthly Fundraiser for Education - September 24th Vol. 2 "The Breaks"


Come out and join The Low End Theory Collaborative and South Restaurant for the second installation of "The Classics" as we bring the community together once again in a celebration of all good things old (Classic Breaks) to support all good things new (educational funding).

Just $10 to chill with the 21 and over crowd and enjoy Beverages, Bites, Beats and Blessings, as we mix up the evening's musical mediums with a live band and the Classic DJ stylings of Boogalicious and DJ Mic B. Special guest DJs are set to perform as well, with some live art action to accompany the aesthetics for the evening.

@ 11 & T Video Store
Doors Open 8 pm
$10 cover [includes 1 drink ticket]

"Fostering Roots in the Community One Month at a Time."